03/20/2025 |
GNR-T-25-05 |
Commission staff will investigate telecommunications companies for service issues |
03/20/2025 |
ZFP-T-24-02 |
Commission is accepting written comments on telecom utility application to be designated as eligible telecommunications carrier |
03/14/2025 |
AVU-E-24-13 |
Commission is accepting written comments on electric utility integrated resource plan |
03/13/2025 |
VEO-W-24-01 |
Commission schedules meeting dates, public comment deadline regarding Veolia Water Idaho application to increase rates |
03/12/2025 |
ASP-W-24-03 |
Commission reschedules customer hearing on water utility application to increase rates |
03/12/2025 |
IPC-E-25-05 |
Electric utility submits application seeking approval to defer costs associated with wildfire mitigation |
03/12/2025 |
ROC-W-24-01 |
Commission approves water utility application to expand service territory |
03/11/2025 |
INT-G-24-05 |
Natural gas utility is seeking to have energy efficiency expenditures designated as prudently incurred |
03/05/2025 |
PAC-E-25-02 |
Commission sets intervenor participation deadline in eastern Idaho electric utility on-site generation case |
03/04/2025 |
MNL-T-24-01 |
Commission confirms telecommunications company has valid certificate of public convenience and necessity |
02/24/2025 |
ASP-W-24-03 |
Commission schedules customer hearing to take testimony on water utility application to increase rates |
02/24/2025 |
PLW-W-24-02 |
Intervenor and written comment deadlines set in water utility application seeking to increase rates |
02/20/2025 |
AVU-E-25-01 |
Commission sets intervenor participation deadline in electric and natural gas rate cases |
02/20/2025 |
AVU-G-25-01 |
Commission sets intervenor participation deadline in electric and natural gas rate cases |
02/20/2025 |
PLW-W-24-02 |
Commission will hold workshops and customer hearing on water utility application to increase rates |
02/20/2025 |
SWS-W-24-01 |
Commission grants northern Idaho water utility petition for reconsideration |
02/05/2025 |
None |
Commission leadership changes with appointment of new commissioner, election of new president |
02/03/2025 |
BPI-W-24-01 |
Commission is accepting written comments on investigation to determine if water utility should be regulated |
01/31/2025 |
PAC-E-24-04 |
Commission approves settlement for eastern Idaho electric utility application to increase rates |
01/16/2025 |
PLW-W-24-01 |
Commission approves water utility application to grant it a certificate of public convenience and necessity |
01/10/2025 |
ASP-W-24-03 |
Commission schedules online public workshop to share information on water utility application to increase rates |
01/07/2025 |
IPC-E-24-41 |
Commission schedules telephonic hearing on proposed land transfer in Valley County |
01/07/2025 |
SWS-W-24-01 |
Commission approves general rate increase for northern Idaho water utility |
01/03/2025 |
VPI-W-24-02 |
Commission is accepting written comments on water utility application to amend certificate of public convenience and necessity |
01/02/2025 |
IPC-E-24-07 |
Commission issues decision in Idaho Power rate case |
01/02/2025 |
IPC-E-24-35 |
Commission approves Idaho Power application that will allow utility to continue involvement with energy efficiency group |
12/31/2024 |
ROC-W-24-01 |
Commission is accepting written comments on eastern Idaho water utility application regarding service territory |
12/30/2024 |
PAC-E-24-04 |
Commission schedules technical hearing on eastern Idaho utility application to increase rates |
12/30/2024 |
SWI-W-24-02 |
Commission schedules public workshop to share information on northern Idaho water utility |
12/13/2024 |
PAC-E-24-04 |
Customer hearing will be held Dec. 16 on eastern Idaho utility application to increase rates |
12/06/2024 |
PAC-E-24-09 |
Commission acknowledges wildfire mitigation plan submitted by eastern Idaho utility |
12/05/2024 |
ISL-W-24-01 |
Commission is accepting written comments on requested cancellation of certificate of public convenience and necessity for water utility |
12/05/2024 |
PLW-W-24-01 |
Written comments are being accepted on northern Idaho water utility application to determine if it should be a regulated utility |
11/22/2024 |
CAM-T-24-01 |
Commission approves telecom applications asking that equipment is qualified broadband equipment |
11/22/2024 |
CAM-T-24-02 |
Commission approves telecom applications asking that equipment is qualified broadband equipment |
11/22/2024 |
IPC-E-24-07 |
Technical hearing will be held in December on Idaho Power application to increase rates |
11/21/2024 |
DRY-W-24-01 |
Interlocutory order approves proposed settlement between water utility and commission staff |
11/21/2024 |
FMT-T-24-01 |
Commission approves telecom application asking that equipment is qualified broadband equipment |
11/21/2024 |
POT-T-24-01 |
Commission approves telecom application asking that equipment is qualified broadband equipment |
11/21/2024 |
RED-W-24-01 |
Private water utility in Nez Perce County will be investigated to determine if it should be regulated |
11/21/2024 |
TML-T-24-01 |
Commission approves telecom application asking that equipment is qualified broadband equipment |
11/18/2024 |
CAP-W-24-02 |
Commission is accepting written comments on water utility application to recover electricity costs |
11/01/2024 |
IPC-E-24-07 |
Customer hearings scheduled for December to take testimony on Idaho Power application to increase rates |
11/01/2024 |
IPC-E-24-35 |
Commission is accepting written comments on Idaho Power continued involvement in the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance |
10/29/2024 |
AVU-E-24-12 |
Commission approves petition granting temporary waiver of master metering prohibition |
10/29/2024 |
IPC-E-24-37 |
Intervenor deadline set in Idaho Power case involving irrigation peak rewards program and flex peak program |
10/22/2024 |
PAC-E-24-05 |
Commission denies electric utility appeal seeking recovery of costs associated with Washington state climate commitment act |
10/16/2024 |
CAP-W-24-01 |
Customer hearing scheduled on Boise water utility application to increase rates |
10/16/2024 |
DRY-W-24-01 |
Commission is accepting written comments on proposed settlement involving water utility |
10/16/2024 |
FZ4-T-24-01 |
Commission approves application giving telecom company income tax credit |
10/07/2024 |
AVU-E-24-07 |
Commission approves fixed cost adjustment and power cost adjustment applications for electric utility |
10/07/2024 |
AVU-E-24-08 |
Commission approves fixed cost adjustment and power cost adjustment applications for electric utility |
10/04/2024 |
PAC-E-24-11 |
Telephonic public hearing scheduled for proposed asset transfer agreement between city of Idaho Falls and electric utility |
10/03/2024 |
GNR-T-24-05 |
Commission sets yearly rates for Idaho Universal Service Fund |
10/01/2024 |
INT-G-24-04 |
Commission approves natural gas utility application for new rates resulting from purchased gas adjustment |
09/18/2024 |
ASP-W-24-03 |
Commission sets intervenor deadline in case regarding water utility application to increase rates |
09/18/2024 |
PAC-E-24-04 |
Commission schedules virtual workshop to share information on electric utility proposed rate increase |
09/18/2024 |
SWS-W-24-01 |
Commission schedules customer hearings to take testimony on northern Idaho water utility proposed rate increase |
09/10/2024 |
GNR-W-24-01 |
Commission determines northern Idaho water utility should be regulated |
09/10/2024 |
SWI-W-24-02 |
Commission issues order directing staff to investigate water utility rates |
09/04/2024 |
VPI-W-24-01 |
Commission issues certificate to northern Idaho water utility |
08/30/2024 |
IPC-E-24-22 |
Virtual workshop scheduled for Sept. 17 on Idaho Power filing to update customer surcharge for project to bury transmission line |
08/29/2024 |
IPC-E-24-12 |
Commission approves market purchase agreement between Idaho Power and Powerex Corp |
08/28/2024 |
AVU-G-24-01 |
Commission is accepting written comments on applications to change rates for natural gas customers |
08/28/2024 |
AVU-G-24-02 |
Commission is accepting written comments on applications to change rates for natural gas customers |
08/28/2024 |
INT-G-24-04 |
Commission is accepting written comments on natural gas utility application to adjust rates |
08/28/2024 |
IPC-E-24-07 |
Virtual public workshops will be held in early September on Idaho Power application to increase rates |
08/22/2024 |
AVU-E-24-07 |
Public comment is being accepted on electric utility power cost adjustment application |
08/21/2024 |
CGS-T-24-01 |
Commission approves application seeking commercial mobile radio services agreement between telecom companies |
08/21/2024 |
DRY-W-24-01 |
Commission extends deadline to submit comments and information in water utility case |
08/20/2024 |
DCM-T-24-01 |
Commission approves telecommunications company application asking that equipment be recognized as broadband equipment |
08/14/2024 |
FIL-T-24-01 |
Commission approves telecommunications company application asking that equipment be recognized as qualified broadband equipment |
08/14/2024 |
SWI-W-24-01 |
Commission will regulate northern Idaho water utility after approving application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity |
08/13/2024 |
FYB-T-24-01 |
Commission approves telecom company application to offer telecommunication exchange services in Idaho |
08/06/2024 |
AVU-E-24-06 |
Commission approves power purchase agreement between Avista Utilities and Ford Hydro |
08/06/2024 |
CAP-W-24-01 |
Commission directs water corporation to follow approved rates when charging customers |
07/25/2024 |
CTL-T-23-02 |
Commission approves amended certificate that reflects telecom utility changes |
07/25/2024 |
PAC-E-24-05 |
Commission grants electric utility application for reconsideration |
07/25/2024 |
PAC-E-24-09 |
Commission is accepting comments on electric utility wildfire mitigation plan |
07/24/2024 |
None |
Idaho Public Utilities Commission President nominated to serve on national group that will collaborate on energy issues |
07/09/2024 |
GNR-W-24-01 |
Commission sets written comment deadline regarding status of northern Idaho water utilities |
07/08/2024 |
SWS-W-24-01 |
Commission suspends rate case filed by northern Idaho water utility |
06/27/2024 |
ZFP-T-24-01 |
Company applies for eligible telecommunications carrier designation in Idaho |
06/12/2024 |
IPC-E-24-14 |
Commission is accepting written comments on Idaho Power application to include non-fuel operations and maintenance expenses in balancing account |
06/11/2024 |
BGR-R-24-01 |
Commission holds late fees in abeyance for railroad company |
06/06/2024 |
FLS-W-24-01 |
Commission approves water utility application to install backup well |
06/06/2024 |
VPI-W-24-01 |
Commission schedules customer hearing to take testimony on application from water utility to provide service in northern Idaho and increase rates |
05/31/2024 |
PAC-E-24-05 |
Commission issues decision on electric utility application to adjust customer rates under the Energy Cost Adjustment Mechanism |
05/29/2024 |
SWS-W-24-01 |
Public workshops scheduled on northern Idaho water utility application to increase rates |
05/22/2024 |
CAP-W-24-01 |
Commission schedules virtual workshop, customer hearing on water corporation application to increase rates |
05/21/2024 |
AVU-E-24-03 |
Commission rejects application from electric utility and lumber company to amend power purchase agreement |
05/21/2024 |
GNR-T-24-02 |
Commission accepts annual report, budget for telecommunications service that provides speech to text, video and other services |
05/20/2024 |
SWS-W-23-02 |
Commission issues decision on water utility application to increase hookup fees for new customers in northern Idaho |
05/20/2024 |
VPI-W-24-01 |
Commission schedules virtual workshop on water utility application to receive certificate of public convenience and necessity |
05/16/2024 |
GNR-T-24-03 |
Commission accepts annual report and budget for telecommunications program that assists Idaho residents |
05/16/2024 |
IPC-E-23-24 |
Commission issues decision on Idaho Power application to make changes to flex peak program |
05/16/2024 |
PAC-E-23-22 |
Commission denies electric utility application regarding liability for non-economic damages |
05/15/2024 |
AVU-E-24-05 |
Commission approves utility application to update costs and administrative changes to electric line extension schedule 51 |
05/02/2024 |
ATT-T-24-01 |
Commission issues decision from telecommunications companies regarding certifcate of public convenience and necessity |
05/01/2024 |
ALB-T-24-01 |
Commission approves telecommunication company application regarding broadband equipment |
04/26/2024 |
PAC-E-23-17 |
Public workshop and customer hearing scheduled for eastern Idaho utility net metering program |
04/22/2024 |
AVU-E-24-05 |
Commission is accepting written comments on utility application to update costs and administrative changes to electric line extension schedule 51 |
04/04/2024 |
QST-G-23-01 |
Customer hearing scheduled regarding proposed sale of natural gas utility in south eastern Idaho |
03/29/2024 |
QST-G-23-01 |
Workshop scheduled regarding proposed sale of natural gas utility in south eastern Idaho |
03/28/2024 |
VEO-W-23-04 |
Commission approves water utility application to assume ownership and maintenance of fire hydrants |
03/26/2024 |
BGR-R-24-01 |
Railroad companies ordered to appear and show cause regarding annual assessment fees |
03/26/2024 |
SMR-R-24-01 |
Railroad companies ordered to appear and show cause regarding annual assessment fees |
03/25/2024 |
IPC-E-24-09 |
Idaho Power files application seeking approval of energy sales agreement |
03/22/2024 |
CAP-W-24-01 |
Intervenor deadline set in water utility application to increase rates |
03/21/2024 |
SWS-W-24-01 |
Intervention deadline set in water utility application to increase rates |
03/15/2024 |
C12-E-24-01 |
Electric utility submits applications seeking approval to enter into service territory agreements |
03/13/2024 |
VPI-W-24-01 |
Intervention deadline set for water utility application to change rates |
03/12/2024 |
IMT-T-23-01 |
Telecom company applies to commission to receive Eligible Telecommunications Carrier designation |
03/12/2024 |
POT-T-23-02 |
Commission approves interconnection agreement between telecom utilities |
03/12/2024 |
SWC-W-23-01 |
Schweitzer Water Company submits application to acquire assets and service area of Resort Water Co. |
03/12/2024 |
VEO-W-23-05 |
Veolia Water Idaho and City of Eagle apply to transfer service for some customers to city |
02/29/2024 |
SNB-W-22-01 |
Commission waives financial penalties for eastern Idaho water utility |
02/27/2024 |
FLS-W-24-01 |
Written comments are being accepted on project for backup well and infrastructure. |
02/16/2024 |
AVU-E-24-01 |
Comments are being accepted on proposed service allocation agreement in northern Idaho |
02/16/2024 |
IPC-E-23-31 |
Commission approves proposed Idaho Power asset transfer in Valley County |
02/09/2024 |
IPC-E-23-32 |
Commission approves territory allocation agreements in southern Idaho |
01/25/2024 |
AVU-E-23-05 |
Commission acknowledges Avista electric Integrated Resource Plan |
01/10/2024 |
AVU-E-23-16 |
Written comments are being accepted on utility application to create rate schedule for electric vehicle charging stations |
01/10/2024 |
IPC-E-23-24 |
Written comments are being accepted on Idaho Power application to make changes to a flex peak program it offers |
01/09/2024 |
KHW-W-23-01 |
Commission approves northern Idaho water utility application to increase rates |
01/03/2024 |
TRA-T-23-01 |
Commission approves company application to receive designation as an eligible telecommunications carrier |
01/02/2024 |
IPC-E-23-14 |
Commission issues order on Idaho Power on-site and self-generation tariffs |
12/29/2023 |
PAC-E-23-25 |
Telephonic customer hearing scheduled on proposed asset transfer in eastern Idaho |
12/28/2023 |
IPC-E-23-11 |
Commission approves settlement on proposed Idaho Power rate increases |
12/28/2023 |
IPC-E-23-31 |
Telephonic public hearing scheduled on proposed asset transfer in Valley County. |
12/27/2023 |
SWS-W-23-02 |
Public comment period opens on northern Idaho water utility application to increase hook-up fees |
12/20/2023 |
FLS-W-23-01 |
Commission approves proposed settlement that will change rates for eastern Idaho water utility customers |
12/19/2023 |
IPC-E-23-23 |
Comments are being accepted on Idaho Power Integrated Resource Plan |
12/08/2023 |
ATW-W-23-01 |
Commission approves certificate for eastern Idaho water utility to provide water service to Atomic City |
11/30/2023 |
AWS-W-23-01 |
Commission approves northern Idaho water utility application to increase rates |
11/22/2023 |
VEO-W-23-04 |
Water utility applies to commission to assume ownership of fire hydrants belonging to fire protection district. |
11/17/2023 |
IPC-E-23-11 |
Technical hearing scheduled for Idaho Power general rate case |
11/16/2023 |
IPC-E-23-11 |
Customers hearings scheduled on Idaho Power application to change rates |
11/09/2023 |
FLS-W-23-01 |
Customer hearing scheduled on Falls Water Company application to change rates |
11/01/2023 |
PAC-E-23-10 |
Commission acknowledges Rocky Mountain Power Integrated Resource Plan |
10/31/2023 |
AVU-G-23-05 |
Commission approves natural gas utility application that will change rates |
10/12/2023 |
IPC-E-23-14 |
Customer hearings scheduled on Idaho Power application to change on-site and self-generation tariffs |
10/10/2023 |
KHW-W-23-01 |
Hearing scheduled to take testimony on proposed rate increase |
10/04/2023 |
AWS-W-23-01 |
Workshop and customer hearing scheduled on application to raise rates |
10/02/2023 |
AVU-E-23-08 |
Commission approves utility's applications that will change customer rates |
10/02/2023 |
INT-G-23-04 |
Commission approves natural gas utility's application that will reduce rates |
10/02/2023 |
PAC-E-23-19 |
Commission approves utility's application to decrease residential, small farm credit |
09/14/2023 |
None |
Commission declines participation in initiative to create western-based energy management group |
09/11/2023 |
FLS-W-23-01 |
Customer hearing scheduled on water utility application to change rates |
08/28/2023 |
AVU-G-23-05 |
Avista Utilities files application to adjust fixed cost adjustment rates for natural gas service |
08/18/2023 |
AVU-E-23-08 |
Avista Utilities files annual power cost adjustment application |
08/17/2023 |
AVU-E-23-11 |
Avista Utilities files application seeking approval to implement residential and small farm energy rates |
08/16/2023 |
IPC-E-21-40 |
Idaho Power application to expand optional clean energy offerings approved by Commission |
08/15/2023 |
IPC-E-23-14 |
Workshops scheduled for Idaho Power application to change on-site and self-generation tariffs |
08/04/2023 |
FLS-W-23-01 |
Workshop scheduled on application to change rates |
08/04/2023 |
IPC-E-23-11 |
Virtual public workshops scheduled on Idaho Power application to increase rates and charges |
08/04/2023 |
KHW-W-23-01 |
Public workshop scheduled on proposed water rate increase |
07/31/2023 |
VEO-W-23-01 |
Commission approves water main installation for utility |
07/21/2023 |
AVU-E-23-01 |
Technical hearings scheduled on proposed natural gas, electric revenue increase |
07/21/2023 |
AVU-G-23-01 |
Technical hearings scheduled on proposed natural gas, electric revenue increase |
07/13/2023 |
AVU-E-23-01 |
Customer hearings scheduled to take testimony on proposed electric and natural gas rate increases |
07/13/2023 |
AVU-G-23-01 |
Customer hearings scheduled to take testimony on proposed electric and natural gas rate increases |
07/06/2023 |
PAC-E-23-15 |
Telephonic public hearing scheduled to take testimony on proposed asset transfer agreement |
06/28/2023 |
AWS-W-23-01 |
Written comments being accepted on water utility proposed rate increase |
06/15/2023 |
ISL-W-23-01 |
Island Park Water Company fined for violating Idaho Public Utility Laws |
06/14/2023 |
IPC-E-23-09 |
Commission approves Idaho Power applications that will change rates |
06/14/2023 |
IPC-E-23-12 |
Commission approves Idaho Power applications that will change rates |
06/02/2023 |
PAC-E-22-15 |
Commission approves two applications that will change rates for eastern Idaho electric utility customers |
06/02/2023 |
PAC-E-23-09 |
Commission approves two applications that will change rates for eastern Idaho electric utility customers |
05/31/2023 |
SNB-W-22-01 |
Commission schedules customer workshop regarding management of eastern Idaho water utility |
05/26/2023 |
GSW-W-22-01 |
Commission approves Gem State Water application to change rates |
05/22/2023 |
IPC-E-23-01 |
Customer hearings scheduled in June on applications that would advance transmission line project |
05/22/2023 |
PAC-E-23-01 |
Customer hearings scheduled in June on applications that would advance transmission line project |
05/18/2023 |
INT-G-22-07 |
Hearings scheduled on proposed settlement of Intermountain Gas rate case |
05/12/2023 |
GSW-W-23-01 |
Public comments are being accepted on proposed purchase of water supply system in northern Idaho |
05/12/2023 |
IPC-E-21-42 |
Commission approves energy services agreement between Idaho Power and Brisbie |
05/05/2023 |
GNR-T-23-03 |
Commission accepts annual reports, budgets for telecommunications programs that assist Idaho residents |
05/01/2023 |
IPC-E-23-07 |
Commission schedules public hearing on proposed transfer of land from Idaho Power to Parks and Recreation |
05/01/2023 |
VEO-W-22-02 |
Commission issues decision in Veolia Water Idaho rate case |
04/26/2023 |
AVU-E-23-01 |
Commission staff will host customer workshop on Avista application to increase electric and natural gas rates |
04/26/2023 |
AVU-G-23-01 |
Commission staff will host customer workshop on Avista application to increase electric and natural gas rates |
04/14/2023 |
IPC-E-23-01 |
Commission schedules online public workshops on transmission line project |
04/14/2023 |
PAC-E-23-01 |
Commission schedules online public workshops on transmission line project |
03/21/2023 |
ISL-W-23-01 |
Commission schedules show cause hearing, customer hearing for Island Park Water Company |
03/13/2023 |
VEO-W-22-02 |
Commission schedules public hearing, technical hearing regarding Veolia Water Idaho application to raise rates |
03/07/2023 |
INT-G-22-07 |
Commission schedules public workshops on Intermountain Gas application to raise rates |
03/03/2023 |
PAC-E-22-15 |
Commission schedules public workshop, hearing on Rocky Mountain Power application to change rates |
01/27/2023 |
VEO-W-22-02 |
Commission will host public workshop on Jan. 31 regarding Veolia Water Idaho application to raise rates |
12/30/2022 |
ATL-E-22-02 |
Commission approves sale of Atlanta Power Company |
12/30/2022 |
GSW-W-22-01 |
Commission will host customer and public hearing on Jan. 18 regarding Gem State Water application to change rates |
11/28/2022 |
ATL-E-22-02 |
Commission schedules online public workshop, public hearing on application seeking approval of a purchase agreement involving Atlanta Power Company |
11/10/2022 |
GSW-W-22-01 |
Commission will host workshop on Nov. 15 regarding Gem State Water application to change rates |
10/14/2022 |
IPC-E-22-22 |
Idaho Public Utilities Commission schedules hearings to take public testimony on Idaho Power net-metering study |
08/25/2022 |
IPC-E-22-22 |
Idaho Public Utilities Commission staff will host online, virtual public workshops in September on study of Idaho Power net-metering program |
08/03/2022 |
INT-G-22-02 |
Commission approves Intermountain Gas application to increase rates for residential and commercial customers |
02/07/2022 |
ATL-E-22-01 |
Commission to hold show cause hearing for Atlanta Power |
01/03/2022 |
IPC-E-21-21 |
Commission issues order regarding issues to be included in Idaho Power on-site generation study |
12/10/2021 |
SUZ-W-18-02 |
Commission approves proposed settlement agreement allowing SUEZ Water Idaho to acquire Eagle Water Company |
11/15/2021 |
PAC-E-21-07 |
Commission schedules telephonic public hearing to take testimony on Rocky Mountain Power application to increase electric rates |
10/26/2021 |
SUZ-W-18-02 |
Proposed settlement agreement regarding acquisition of Eagle Water Company by SUEZ Water Idaho has been submitted to Idaho Public Utilities Commission |
10/22/2021 |
SUZ-W-18-02 |
Commission schedules telephonic public hearing to take verbal testimony on application to allow SUEZ Water to acquire Eagle Water |
10/19/2021 |
IPC-E-21-21 |
Idaho Public Utilities Commission, Idaho Power schedule workshops on design of net-metering study |
10/06/2021 |
PAC-E-21-07 |
Commission schedules online public workshop regarding Rocky Mountain Power application to increase electric rates |
09/24/2021 |
SUZ-W-18-02 |
Commission schedules online public workshop on application to allow SUEZ Water to acquire Eagle Water |
09/10/2021 |
PAC-E-21-17 |
Commission schedules telephonic public hearing to take verbal testimony on Rocky Mountain Power application to sell assets |
09/08/2021 |
AVU-E-21-01 |
Commission approves settlement agreement that will allow Avista to change rates for natural gas and electric customers |
09/08/2021 |
AVU-G-21-01 |
Commission approves settlement agreement that will allow Avista to change rates for natural gas and electric customers |
09/02/2021 |
AVU-G-21-03 |
Commission approves applications from Avista Utilities that will change rates for natural gas customers |
09/02/2021 |
AVU-G-21-04 |
Commission approves applications from Avista Utilities that will change rates for natural gas customers |
08/19/2021 |
AVU-E-21-09 |
Idaho Public Utilities Commission sets public comment deadline on Avista application to increase surcharge rate for electric customers |
08/10/2021 |
IPC-E-21-12 |
Commission schedules telephonic public hearing to take testimony on Idaho Power application to exit North Valmy Power Plant Unit 2 in 2025 |
08/06/2021 |
PIC-W-21-01 |
Commission schedules telephonic public hearing to take testimony on proposed Picabo Water System rate increase |
08/03/2021 |
PIC-W-21-01 |
Commission schedules virtual public workshop on proposed Picabo Water System rate increase |
07/30/2021 |
FLS-W-21-01 |
Commission will host telephonic public hearing to take verbal testimony on water utility application to build infrastructure |
07/22/2021 |
IPC-E-21-12 |
Commission schedules online public workshop to share information on Idaho Power application to exit North Valmy Power PLant Unit 2 in 2025 |
07/15/2021 |
FLS-W-21-01 |
Commission will host public workshop to share information on water utility application to build infrastructure |
07/02/2021 |
AVU-E-21-01 |
Commission schedules telephonic public hearing on proposed Avista natural gas, electric rate increases |
07/02/2021 |
AVU-G-21-01 |
Commission schedules telephonic public hearing on proposed Avista natural gas, electric rate increases |
06/15/2021 |
AVU-E-21-01 |
Commission schedules public workshop on proposed Avista natural gas, electric rate increases |
06/15/2021 |
AVU-G-21-01 |
Commission schedules public workshop on proposed Avista natural gas, electric rate increases |
05/06/2021 |
SUZ-W-20-02 |
Commission approves settlement agreement allowing SUEZ Water of Idaho to raise rates by 8.75 percent over 2 years |
04/29/2021 |
IPC-E-21-03 |
Commission sets May 11 public comment deadline on annual fixed cost adjustment application from Idaho Power |
04/21/2021 |
PAC-E-21-04 |
Commission schedules telephonic hearing on application to approve lease agreement between Rocky Mountain Power, New Cingular Wireless |
04/12/2021 |
GNR-T-21-02 |
Commission accepts annual report, budget for Idaho Telecommunications Relay Service |
03/16/2021 |
SUZ-W-20-02 |
Commission schedules virtual workshop, hearings to share information on proposed SUEZ Water rate increase |
02/24/2021 |
FLS-W-20-03 |
Commission issues decision on proposed Falls Water rate increase |
02/19/2021 |
None |
Avista will host public meetings to share information on two integrated resource plans |
01/11/2021 |
FLS-W-20-03 |
Commission schedules telephonic hearing on proposed Falls Water Company rate increase |
12/31/2020 |
IPC-E-20-32 |
Commission approves Idaho Power application to decrease customer rates |
12/18/2020 |
FLS-W-20-03 |
Online Workshop Scheduled for Falls Water Company Proposed Rate Increase |
12/04/2020 |
IPC-E-20-26 |
Commission issues order regarding Idaho Power Schedule 84 Net Metering Customers |
11/05/2020 |
IPC-E-20-30 |
PUC will host online public workshop to share information on Idaho Power application to establish tariff schedule |
10/01/2020 |
IPC-E-20-26 |
Telephonic public hearing scheduled for Idaho Power application to change metering requirement |
09/16/2020 |
FLS-W-20-04 |
Telephonic hearing and online public workshop scheduled in proposed acquisition of eastern Idaho water company |
09/11/2020 |
INT-G-20-05 |
Intermountain Gas files its annual Purchased Gas Cost Adjustment |
09/11/2020 |
IPC-E-20-26 |
Live-Streamed Public Workshop for Idaho Power to change Metering Requirement and Grandfather Existing Customers with onsite generation |
08/03/2020 |
AVU-E-19-01 |
Telephonic Public Hearing on Avista Utilities Integrated Resource Plan |
07/31/2020 |
IPC-E-20-25 |
Idaho Power Telephonic Public Hearing on Application to Transfer Land to Owyee County |
06/29/2020 |
PAC-E-20-06 |
Telephonic hearing on asset transfer agreement between Rocky Mountain Power and Idaho Falls |
06/24/2020 |
AVU-E-19-01 |
Virtual Public Workshop on Avista's 2020 electric Integrated Resource Plan |
06/12/2020 |
PAC-E-19-08 |
Rocky Mountain Power Net Metering Revised Workshop information. |
06/04/2020 |
PAC-E-19-08 |
Rocky Mountain Power Net Metering Program |
04/24/2020 |
GNR-T-20-09 |
Commission approves annual reports, budgets for telecommunications programs that assist Idaho residents. |
04/24/2020 |
GNR-T-20-10 |
Commission approves annual reports, budgets for telecommunications programs that assist Idaho residents. |
03/27/2020 |
PAC-E-19-20 |
Idaho Public Utilities Commission is Accepting Comments until Apr 7 Application for Approval of inter-jursidiction protocol |
03/18/2020 |
GNR-U-20-01 |
Idaho Public Utilities Commission will host telephonic hearings to limit spread of COVID-19 |
03/05/2020 |
EIR-R-20-01 |
Case No. EIR-R-20-01 - Telephonic Hearing for Eastern Idaho Railroad |
02/06/2020 |
IPC-E-18-15 |
Commission Issues Decision on Requests for Reconsideration in Idaho Power Net Metering Case |
01/03/2020 |
MNV-W-19-01 |
Public workshop, hearing will be held Jan. 8 on Morning View request to increase water rates |
12/02/2019 |
AVU‑E‑19‑04 |
Commission approves settlement with Avista Utilities that will result in rate decrease |
11/15/2019 |
none |
Commission hires new telecommunication relay service administrator |
11/06/2019 |
AVU‑E‑19‑04 |
Avista Rate Case Public Hearing |
11/06/2019 |
AVU‑G‑19‑04 |
Commission approves changes to Avista natural gas rates |
10/03/2019 |
AVU‑E‑19‑07 |
Avista customers to see rate increase |
10/03/2019 |
AVU‑E‑19‑08 |
Avista customers to see rate increase |
10/03/2019 |
AVU‑E‑19‑09 |
Avista customers to see rate increase |
05/31/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑06 |
Idaho Power customers to see slight rate decrease |
05/31/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑08 |
Idaho Power customers to see slight rate decrease |
05/31/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑10 |
Idaho Power customers to see slight rate decrease |
05/31/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑16 |
Idaho Power customers to see slight rate decrease |
05/24/2019 |
SUZ‑W‑19‑01 |
Suez Water Co request exemption from certain rules related to disconnection of service |
05/23/2019 |
PAC‑E‑19‑06 |
Telephonic Public Hearing set for proposed asset transfer between Rocky Mountain Power and City of Idaho Falls |
04/29/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑16 |
Commission accepting comments on Idaho Power proposal that would decrease rates June 1 |
04/29/2019 |
PAC‑E‑19‑04 |
Rocky Mountain Power proposal would slightly lower rates, comment deadline set |
04/11/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑12 |
Idaho Power requests approval of energy sales agreement for hydro facility near Twin Falls |
04/09/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑11 |
Idaho Power seeks prudency declaration on $40.7 million investment in efficiency programs, regulators set deadline to intervene |
04/09/2019 |
PAC‑E‑19‑03 |
Rocky Mountain Power proposal would modify net metering rules to allow transfer of credits |
04/09/2019 |
SWS‑W‑18‑01 |
State regulators decline to approve sale of water company, direct applicant to amend application |
04/04/2019 |
GNR‑T‑19‑03 |
Commission suspends ITSAP surcharge, leaves unchanged TRS assessment |
04/04/2019 |
GNR‑T‑19‑04 |
Commission suspends ITSAP surcharge, leaves unchanged TRS assessment |
04/04/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑10 |
Idaho Power proposes increase to annual rate adjustment tied to recovery of fixed costs |
04/01/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑08 |
Idaho Power proposal calls for slight customer rate adjustment tied to closure of coal plant |
03/28/2019 |
EAG‑W‑18‑01 |
State regulators stay case involving proposed sale of Eagle Water Company to Suez Water Idaho |
03/28/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑07 |
Idaho Power requests approval of energy sales agreement for hydro facility near Tuttle |
03/28/2019 |
SUZ‑W‑18‑02 |
State regulators stay case involving proposed sale of Eagle Water Company to Suez Water Idaho |
03/21/2019 |
PAC‑E‑19‑02 |
Telephonic public hearing set for proposed asset transfer between Rocky Mountain Power and the city of Idaho Falls |
03/19/2019 |
SPL‑W‑19‑01 |
Comment deadline set for proposed sale of Spirit Lake East Water Company |
03/19/2019 |
SPL‑W‑19‑01 |
Gem State Water Company seeks approval to buy Spirit Lake East Water Company, regulators set comment deadline |
03/05/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑01 |
Idaho Power, Simplot renew contract for power at Pocatello plant |
03/05/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑06 |
State regulators set comment deadline for Idaho Power proposal to lower efficiency surcharge |
03/04/2019 |
PAC‑E‑18‑12 |
Regulators approve decrease to Rocky Mountain Power efficiency surcharge |
02/27/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑03 |
State regulators considering 2 Idaho Power energy sales agreements, comment deadlines set |
02/27/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑04 |
State regulators considering 2 Idaho Power energy sales agreements, comment deadlines set |
02/27/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑05 |
Commission accepting comments on Idaho Power request to suspend community solar project |
02/26/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑05 |
Commission accepting comments on Idaho Power request to suspend community solar project |
02/26/2019 |
IPC‑E‑19‑05 |
Commission accepting comments on Idaho Power request to suspend community solar project |
02/26/2019 |
SWS‑W‑18‑01 |
Comment deadline set for proposed sale of small water company in Bonner County |
01/18/2019 |
PAC‑E‑18‑12 |
Comment deadline set for Rocky Mountain Power proposal to lower efficiency surcharge |
01/17/2019 |
AVU‑G‑18‑05 |
Commission accepts Avista's long-range plan for natural gas operations |
01/07/2019 |
PAC‑E‑18‑07 |
Regulators OK Rocky Mountain Power expenses tied to efficiency programs |
01/03/2019 |
AVU‑E‑17‑09 |
Regulators deny Avista-Hydro One deal |
01/03/2019 |
AVU‑G‑17‑05 |
Regulators deny Avista-Hydro One deal |
12/20/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑12 |
Regulators begin prudency review of Avista's efficiency programs |
12/10/2018 |
EAG‑W‑18‑01 |
Deadline to intervene set in case involving proposed sale of Eagle Water Company |
12/10/2018 |
SUZ‑W‑18‑02 |
Deadline to intervene set in case involving proposed sale of Eagle Water Company |
12/06/2018 |
PAC‑E‑18‑11 |
Telephonic public hearing set for Dec. 11 in case involving transfer of service and assets between Rocky Mountain Power and city of Idaho Falls |
11/21/2018 |
AVU‑E‑17‑09 |
Idaho regulators to hold technical hearing on Nov. 26 in Avista-Hydro One merger case |
11/21/2018 |
AVU‑G‑17‑05 |
Idaho regulators to hold technical hearing on Nov. 26 in Avista-Hydro One merger case |
11/07/2018 |
IPC‑E‑18‑15 |
Intervenor deadline set in Idaho Power case involving on-site generation, written comments accepted |
11/07/2018 |
IPC‑E‑18‑16 |
Intervenor deadline set in Idaho Power case involving on-site generation, written comments accepted |
11/02/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑09 |
Telephonic public hearing set for Nov. 7 in Avista case involving asset transfer with BPA |
11/02/2018 |
AVU‑G‑18‑04 |
Commission approves surcharge changes, lowering avista natural gas rates |
10/22/2018 |
AVU‑G‑18‑03 |
Avista natural gas rates to decrease Nov. 1 |
10/12/2018 |
AVU‑G‑18‑05 |
Comments accepted on Avista's long-range plan for natural gas operations |
10/11/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑10 |
Comment deadline set for Avista proposal |
10/11/2018 |
AVU‑G‑18‑06 |
Comment deadline set for Avista proposal |
10/09/2018 |
none |
Gov. Otter issues proclamation for Imagine a Day Without Water |
10/02/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑06 |
Regulators approve Avista rate adjustments, rates decrease 5.5 percent |
10/02/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑07 |
Regulators approve Avista rate adjustments, rates decrease 5.5 percent |
10/02/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑08 |
Regulators approve Avista rate adjustments, rates decrease 5.5 percent |
09/26/2018 |
INT‑G‑18‑02 |
Regulators approve Intermountain Gas proposal, residential and commercial rates to decrease |
09/21/2018 |
IPC‑E‑17‑13 |
Regulators modify order in net metering case |
09/20/2018 |
IPC‑E‑18‑03 |
Commission approves Idaho Power efficiency expenses, no change to customer rates |
09/18/2018 |
AVU‑E‑17‑09 |
Commission adopts new schedule for proposed Avista-Hydro One merger case |
09/18/2018 |
AVU‑G‑17‑05 |
Commission adopts new schedule for proposed Avista-Hydro One merger case |
09/18/2018 |
AVU‑G‑18‑04 |
Regulators to consider Avista proposal to lower natural gas rates, comment deadline set |
09/06/2018 |
PAC‑E‑18‑07 |
Rocky Mountain Power seeks prudency finding for efficiency investments |
08/30/2018 |
INT‑G‑18‑02 |
Intermountain proposes rate decrease tied to purchased gas costs |
08/29/2018 |
GNR‑T‑18‑06 |
Regulators maintain surcharge levels for fund that helps keep phone service affordable |
08/28/2018 |
IPC‑E‑18‑10 |
PUC to hold telephonic public hearing regarding Idaho Power proposal |
08/17/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑06 |
Comment deadlines set for 3 Avista proposals |
08/17/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑07 |
Comment deadlines set for 3 Avista proposals |
08/17/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑08 |
Comment deadlines set for 3 Avista proposals |
08/16/2018 |
PAC‑E‑18‑03 |
PUC to hold telephonic public hearing regarding Rocky Mountain Power proposals |
08/16/2018 |
PAC‑E‑18‑04 |
PUC to hold telephonic public hearing regarding Rocky Mountain Power proposals |
07/30/2018 |
AVU‑E‑18‑06 |
Avista proposes decrease to FCA for electric and natural gas service, comment deadlines set |
07/30/2018 |
AVU‑G‑18‑03 |
Avista proposes decrease to FCA for electric and natural gas service, comment deadlines set |
07/26/2018 |
PAC‑E‑17‑07 |
PUC grants Rocky Mountain Power CPCNs for new wind and transmission projects, sets ratemaking treatment |
07/19/2018 |
AVU‑E‑17‑09 |
Commission postpones technical hearing for Avista-Hydro One merger |
07/19/2018 |
AVU‑G‑17‑05 |
Commission postpones technical hearing for Avista-Hydro One merger |
07/19/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Idaho Power customers to see lower rates as a result of FCA, PCA, TCJA |
07/19/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Rocky Mountain Power rates decline due to new tax laws |
07/19/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Suez Water Idaho Inc. rates decline due to new tax laws |
07/19/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Tax cuts lead to rate decrease for Avista customers |
07/19/2018 |
IPC‑E‑18‑02 |
Idaho Power customers to see lower rates as a result of FCA, PCA, TCJA |
07/19/2018 |
IPC‑E‑18‑06 |
Idaho Power customers to see lower rates as a result of FCA, PCA, TCJA |
07/13/2018 |
FLS‑W‑18‑01 |
Commission approves sale of east Idaho water company |
06/28/2018 |
INT‑G‑17‑07 |
IPUC denies Intermountain Gas request for approval to create surcharge for infrastructure improvements |
06/28/2018 |
IPC‑E‑17‑13 |
Commission grants reconsideration petition in net metering case |
06/25/2018 |
EIR‑R‑18‑01 |
PUC to hold telephonic public hearing on proposed rail abandonment |
06/15/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Idaho Power customers to see lower rates as a result of FCA, PCA, TCJA |
06/15/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Intermountain Gas rates decline due to new tax laws |
06/15/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Rocky Mountain Power rates decline due to new tax laws |
06/15/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Suez Water Idaho Inc. rates decline due to new tax laws |
06/15/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Tax cuts lead to rate decrease for Avista customers |
05/14/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Avista proposes rate decreases tied to Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 |
05/14/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Idaho Power proposes rate decrease related to new tax law |
05/09/2018 |
AVU‑E‑17‑09 |
Tentative settlement reached, public hearings scheduled in Avista-Hydro One merger case |
05/09/2018 |
AVU‑G‑17‑05 |
Tentative settlement reached, public hearings scheduled in Avista-Hydro One merger case |
05/09/2018 |
FLS‑W‑18‑01 |
Commission staff to hold public workshop over proposed sale of Falls Water Company |
05/09/2018 |
IPC‑E‑17‑13 |
Commission rules on Idaho Power Co. net metering proposal |
04/26/2018 |
IPC‑E‑18‑06 |
IPUC accepting comments on Idaho Power proposal reflecting lower power costs |
04/26/2018 |
PAC‑E‑17‑07 |
PUC to hold telephonic public hearing over Rocky Mountain Power proposal |
04/25/2018 |
GNR‑T‑18‑03 |
IPUC waives ITSAP surcharge for 2nd straight year |
04/20/2018 |
IPC‑E‑16‑32 |
Commission approves settlement agreement allowing Idaho Power to include Hells Canyon relicensing costs in customer rates at a later date |
04/13/2018 |
IPC‑E‑18‑02 |
Idaho Power proposes FCA decrease of 3.6 percent for residential customers; comment deadline set |
04/12/2018 |
PAC‑E‑17‑03 |
Commission accepts Rocky Mountain Power long-range planning document |
04/11/2018 |
AVU‑E‑17‑09 |
Workshop scheduled for Avista/Hydro One merger |
04/11/2018 |
AVU‑G‑17‑05 |
Workshop scheduled for Avista/Hydro One merger |
02/28/2018 |
INT‑G‑17‑04 |
Commission accepts Intermountain Gas Company's Integrated Resource Plan |
02/21/2018 |
ATL‑E‑18‑01 |
Regulators OK investigation of small electric utility |
02/20/2018 |
IPC‑E‑17‑11 |
PUC acknowledges Idaho Power long-range plan |
02/10/2018 |
IPC‑E‑17‑16 |
Comment deadline set for Idaho Power proposal to establish recovery process for EIM-related expenses |
02/08/2018 |
AVU‑E‑17‑08 |
Regulators acknowledge Avista's long-range plan |
02/07/2018 |
IPC‑E‑17‑13 |
Public hearings scheduled for Idaho Power net metering proposal |
02/07/2018 |
IPC‑E‑17‑16 |
Comment deadline set for Idaho Power proposal to establish recovery process for EIM-related expenses |
01/26/2018 |
AVU‑G‑17‑06 |
Regulators approve decrease to Avista natural gas rates to reflect market conditions |
01/25/2018 |
RIC‑W‑17‑01 |
PUC accepting comments on proposal to merge two water companies in north Idaho |
01/18/2018 |
GNR‑U‑18‑01 |
Regulators ask utilities to report impact of federal tax changes |
01/18/2018 |
IPC‑E‑17‑17 |
Public hearing, comment deadline set regarding Idaho Power request to sell assets to city of Meridian |
01/05/2018 |
AVU‑G‑17‑06 |
Avista proposal would decrease natural gas rates to better reflect market conditions |
01/05/2018 |
GNR‑T‑17‑05 |
Commission to hold public workshops regarding future of Idaho Universal Service Fund |